2017-2020 Publications
2017-2020 Publications
2017-2020 Publications
1997 & Order Publications
* = co-first author, † = corresponding author

Kinetic and structural analysis of mutant CD4 receptors that are defective in HIV gp120 binding
Wu H*, Myszda D G*, Tendian S W, Brouillette C G, Sweet R W, Chaiken I M, Hendrickson W A. PNAS (1996). PDF
The T-cell antigen coreceptor CD4 also serves as the receptor for the envelope glycoprotein gp120 of HIV. Extensive mutational analysis of CD4 has implicated residues from a portion of the extracellular amino-terminal domain (D1) in gp120 binding. However, none of these proteins has been fully characterized... Read More

Structure of human chorionic gonadotropin at 2.6 Å resolution from MAD analysis of the selenomethionyl protein
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a glycoprotein hormone secreted by the placenta during the early weeks of pregnancy [1]. It stimulates the ovarian corpus luteum to produce progesterone until the placenta itself acquires the ability to produce this pregnancy sustaining steroid. Excess hCG is excreted... Read More

Dimeric association and segmental variability in the crystal structure of human CD4
CD4 is a co-receptor in the cellular immune response. It increases the avidity of association between a T cell and an antigen-presenting cell by interacting with non-polymorphic portions of the complex between class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and T-cell receptor (TCR) molecules, and it contributes directly to signal transduction through its cytoplasmic association with the lymphocyte kinase... Read More
Other Publications (1997 & Order)
* = co-first author, † = corresponding author
Jiang X, Dreano M, Buckler D R, Cheng S, Ythier A, Wu H, W A Hendrickson, Tayar N E.† (1995). Structural predictions for the ligand-binding region of glycoprotein hormone receptors and the nature of hormone-receptor interactions. Structure. 3:1341-1353
Lustbader J W, Wu H, Birken S, Pollak S, Kolks M A G, Pound A M, Austin D, Hendrickson W A, Canfield R E. (1995). The expression, characterization and crystallization of wild-type and selenomethionyl hCG. Endocrinology. 136:640-650
Lustbader J W, Wang C, Zhang X, Birken S, Wu H, Brown J M, Yarmush D, Pollak S, Canfield R E. (1994). Human chorionic gonadotropin: progress in determining its tertiary structure. Glycoprotein hormones. pp 81-102. Springer-Verlag, New York
Wu H, Keller W, Rossmann M G† (1993). Determination and refinement of the canine parvovirus empty capsid structure. Acta Crystallogr. D49:572-579
Wu H†*, Rossmann M G.†* (1993). The canine parvovirus empty capsid structure. J Mol Biol. 233: 231-244
Tsao J, Chapman M S, Wu H, Agbandje M, Keller W, Rossmann M G. (1992). The structure determination of monoclinic canine parvovirus. Acta Crystallogr. B48:75-88
Rossmann M G†, McKenna R, Tong L, Xia D, Dai J, Wu H, Choi H, Lynch R E. (1992). Molecular replacement real space averaging. J. Appl. Crystallogr. 25:166-180
Gong Z X, Wu H, Cheng R H, Hull R, Rossmann M G† (1990). Crystallization of cauliflower mosaic virus. Virology. 179:941-5